Category Archives: National News

Cost vs Value Report

This cost vs value report can help you get the most bang for your buck when choosing renovations to ensure the best resale value for your property. You may be surprised to find that some of these remodeling plans will not really improve the property's bottom line. Take a look! Click here for a clickable…
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REALTORS® Earn Their Compensation

REALTORS® Earn Their Compensation from the day you bring them on board to the day of closing - and beyond, with repeat clientele. After you read this comprehensive accounting of everything your REALTOR® does, you will understand why so many people have close relationships with their REALTOR®. Click here to explore the range of tasks…
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Facts About REALTORS’® Compensation

Facts About REALTORS'® Compensation are often misunderstood. So here are answers to questions regarding why home sellers' brokers often cover the compensation of buyers' brokers, along with essential information for buyers and sellers. This practice benefits both parties economically, increases access for various buyer demographics, and allows small brokers to compete with larger ones. Moreover,…
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Modest Increase in Home Listings Sparked by Mortgage Rate Decline

Modest Increase in Home Listings The recent decrease in mortgage rates has led to more homeowners listing their properties, yet the modest increase in home listings is still not enough to bring the housing market's inventory back to pre-pandemic levels. Active listings in the U.S. rose by 4.9% in December year-over-year, with a significant 9.1%…
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